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English versionEn

Spanish versionEs
Indice delle schede di Italiano
Vocaboli trovati:
addirsi = to suit myself... INFINITO Presente 1 pers. sing.
(Di seguito i dettagli)

Considera anche: become <>
to suit myself
Coniugazione di: addirsi, _
coniugazione: -1 - transitivo - riflessiva
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si addice
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si addicono
I suit myself
You suit youself
He/She/It suits himself, herself, itself...
We suit ourself
You suit yourselves
They suit themselves
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si addiceva
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si addicevano
I was suiting myself
You were suiting youself
He/She/It was suiting himself, herself, itself...
We were suiting ourself
You were suiting yourselves
They were suiting themselves
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si _
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si _
I suited myself
You suited youself
He/She/It suited himself, herself, itself...
We suited ourself
You suited yourselves
They suited themselves
Trapassato remoto
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si addice
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si addicono
I had suited myself
You had suited youself
He/She/It had suited himself, herself, itself...
We had suited ourself
You had suited yourselves
They had suited themselves
Futuro semplice
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si _
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si _
I will suit myself
You will suit youself
He/She/It will suit himself, herself, itself...
We will suit ourself
You will suit yourselves
They will suit themselves
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si _
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si _
I (that )may suit myself
You (that )may suit youself
He/She/It (that )may suit himself, herself, itself...
We (that )may suit ourself
You (that )may suit yourselves
They (that )may suit themselves
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si addicesse
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si addicessero
I (that )might suit myself
You (that )might suit youself
He/She/It (that )might suit himself, herself, itself...
We (that )might suit ourself
You (that )might suit yourselves
They (that )might suit themselves
Io mi _
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si _
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si _
I would suit myself
You would suit youself
He/She/It would suit himself, herself, itself...
We would suit ourself
You would suit yourselves
They would suit themselves
Io mi -
Tu ti _
Egli/Ella/Esso si _
Noi ci _
Voi vi _
Essi/Esse/Loro si _
let me suit myself
suit youself
let him suit himself, herself, itself...
let us suit ourself
suit yourselves
let them suit themselves
suiting myself
to suit myself
suiting myself

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